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Information about the ground penetrating radar Rental

Information about the ground penetrating radar Rental
Before we learn information about ground penetrating radar Rental, let us know quickly on this device is interesting , he ground penetrating radar system , portable and lightweight , and is ideal for all cases in which they are needed early intervention and immediate results.

Information about the ground penetrating radar Rental


Before we learn information about ground penetrating radar Rental, let us know quickly on this device is interesting , he ground penetrating radar system , portable and lightweight , and is ideal for all cases in which they are needed early intervention and immediate results . With standard antenna 400 MHz signal penetration model is about 3-4 meters in the soil and the most common materials . Available for applications where the demands are different resolution and penetration antennas with different frequencies .

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is working to send electromagnetic pulses that are reflected from the “target” and back to the receiver . It can be used to monitor what is happening beneath the surface of a shallow depth during the install so that it works to send information directly from the field on an ongoing basis .

The Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is used to identify underground storage tanks and pipelines and utilities, trenches , and other materials buried . Mapping class , can be used to draw other shallow aquifers . Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is also used in archaeological investigations . Ground penetrating radar (GPR) works by using high-frequency ( shorter wavelength ) antennas, and applications include inspection of Ground penetrating radar (GPR) pavement , and the thickness of the concrete and rebar and inspection for the blanks and mapping under the pavement or concrete blocks .

Ground penetrating radar , other techniques such as radar , used to electromagnetic ( radio wave or microwave) . As the waves of electromagnetic is of lower frequency ( 80-500 MHz ) , so as to get the best penetration in earth materials .

The picture above shows some examples of the common features of Ground penetrating radar (GPR) . Vertical scale is the time scale , and give time for radar pulse to travel down to the reflector and back to the antenna. By knowing the speed of the pulse in the soil , can be reached to the rear. Horizontal scale corresponds to the distance.

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is primarily a tool to investigate selected areas to get the details of what features beneath the surface of the earth on an ongoing basis which gives excellent picture drawing of the circumstances under shallow surface . Moreover , unlike some other technologies , the Ground penetrating radar (GPR) technique does not require targets to be metallic or conductive . The depth of the GPR exploratory strongly depends on the conductivity of the soil and subsurface conditions .

How to rent the ground penetrating radar ?

Keep in mind that you will require training on the use of GPR equipment and data interpretation . If you were not familiar with the use of GPR systems may want to investigate using GPR trained technician to do it for you .

ground penetrating radar System cost starts around $ 10,000 , and can be up to an amount up to $ 50,000 . Not exactly a small number , but , keep in mind that this type of technology will pay for itself over time , since the cost-cutting is often several times greater than the price of the system itself . Also, depending on the requirements of the search, and the versatility you want your system may need to take into account the need to purchase additional equipment , such as antennas , which can vary from a few thousand dollars to more than 15 thousand price , control units, and storage systems data , and extra batteries , and so on .

Gepard GPR ground penetrating radar – Applications and functionality

In addition , you can rent selected components such as antennas , power converters , and a range of electronic components.

All rental systems contain the most recent improvements GPR and is combined with accessories that allow you to hit the ground running . Included extra batteries , spare parts and analysis software complete with all regulations .

Then the cost of rent for the GPR system functional is usually more than $ 200 per day , in addition to shipping charges prep and that could be another $ 200 or more .

I did a quick Internet search and exploration tools found in Austin , Texas that rents the ground penetrating radar for about $ 140 per day , depending on what you need, in addition to prep and shipping .

Rent ground penetrating radar system, we may need him and after considering the high price of these devices, and also asking price for renting the ground penetrating radar is not the price a little, so you must have the experience and we have sufficient information to use this device.

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Metal Detector, Geordar, GPRS, Desertgold, DeTech Chaser, two editors, Earth penetrating radar, also said GPR (ground penetrating radar),