Articles on geological research
Engineering geological investigation in order to obtain complete information on the geological structure, physical and mechanical parameters of soils and their power, chemicals, corrosive, georadar of environmental parameters and their changes during construction and operation of the project, activities for the protection of structures against harmful effects of geological environment and physical phenomena-to-physical-chemical and geological processes.
On the basis of the data and identify the best, most kind op-user from all points of view and depth of Foundation on the subject-that all possible factors influencing the process of construction and the engineering design process.
Create the project and construction without study and full analysis of the geological site conditions may lead to uneven rainfall, buildings and structures, damage and destruction of network engineering for irreversible deformation and failure of.
In final results of engineering geological survey technical report, which contains information about the physical, geological and topographical description of lithological of rocks and soil, geological conditions, physical and geological in origin in time for the survey, the mechanical properties of soil chemical properties of soil and water erosion, and recommendations. In addition to the interests of the developer, the geological survey also takes into account the different nuances in order to preserve the environment.
Engineering geological investigation of this type of companies. One of the basic conditions for such acts is the topographic plan of the territory with an approximate location of underground utilities. If there is a need for additional RA bot status, for example, using the territory of gioradarnogo construction method. Process engineering and geo-logical investigations stolid soil samples and produce specialized laboratory equipment cameral Noah. Depending on the complexity of the research extract rock cores, processing may take a few days. We must remember that in business scope can change very noticeable. Basically it depends heavily on the number of studies in the field of exploration and Ka-Cova complexity conditions of the building.
Geological Engineering investigations may also aim at the gradual deformation in new buildings, and find solutions to the complex which will give an opportunity to avoid the emergence of problems in existing buildings. Neglecting the results of such research or abandoned to save money whenever any serious building, in most cases, be the cause of any problems.